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Essential Oil Candles That Helps With Stress | Hello Green Products

1. Lavender + Chamomile Essential Oil Candle   Chamomile is known for its stress-relieving and sleep-enhancing properties. It can significantly lower anxiety and improve sleep. Lavender essential oil has been found to reduce symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, agitation, disturbed sleep, nervousness, depressive symptoms and can improve mood, lower heart rate, lower adrenaline levels, regulated breathing, improved sleep quality.    2. Ylang Ylang + Bergamot Essential Oil Candle   Ylang Ylang can help decrease blood pressure and create a relaxing effect. The sweet floral aroma is great for when you need to rest and relax. Studies have demonstrated that bergamot essential oil can reduce those awful feelings of anxiety and stress by stimulating hormones which control mood like serotonin and dopamine   3. Clary...

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